
Meet Angela, SVP at SamsonPR

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Q&A with Angela Petersen, SVP at SamsonPR: Navigating the World of PR and Tech

How did you get into PR?

Well, here’s the true story—I actually wanted to go into politics. My plan was to become a press secretary, but my college didn’t offer public administration, so I ended up studying public relations instead. When I graduated in 2008, which was a tough time to find a job, I had a choice: move to DC for an unpaid internship or take a position in fashion PR. I chose the latter and realized that fashion PR had openings because it was a tough, high-turnover industry. I worked in fashion PR for a few years until tech started merging with consumer PR, with brands like Birchbox and Stitch Fix coming up. A tech PR agency noticed my consumer experience and brought me in, which is where I learned the ropes of B2B tech and fell in love with it.

Would you say things just fell into place for you?

Absolutely. Things just aligned, and each step shaped my career in ways I didn’t expect.

What excites you most about PR?

One of my favorite PR stories is about how casual Fridays were actually a PR campaign started by Levi’s. I love seeing the cultural impact a great campaign can have. It’s my dream to create something with that level of influence. I’m driven by how creativity in PR can not only transform companies but also resonate with broader culture.

How important is creativity in PR?

It’s essential. Creativity allows you to see opportunities where others don’t and turn them into compelling stories. Without it, PR would be dull, and there’d be no room to stand out.

What would you say to companies that are considering ramping up their PR efforts?

PR is more important now than ever. With so many platforms available, it’s not enough just to have a presence—you need a strong strategy to cut through the noise. That’s where an outside perspective becomes crucial. PR helps amplify your voice in a crowded market.

What’s your role here at Samson PR, and how do you help companies?

I oversee all the accounts and work closely with marketers and founders on their messaging. My role is a mix of quality control and strategic guidance. I’m like a second pair of eyes, making sure everything that goes out is high quality and connects with the right audience. Essentially, I want our team to be seen as an extension of our clients’ teams—helping them tell their story in the best way possible.

How would you describe the team at SamsonPR?

It’s a very eclectic group with strong personalities, which I love. We don’t follow a traditional formula. Instead, we try new things, which leads to some great, unique ideas. Working with people who don’t always think like I do has pushed me to grow and be more creative.

Can you share a PR win that stands out for you?

One of my favorite moments was securing coverage for a client in the Wall Street Journal, which led to them landing new business. But another memorable experience was with a client whose big partnership news fell through at the last minute. We had to pivot quickly, putting together a data blog to get some coverage. It wasn’t easy—I spent the day on the phone with media outlets, making calls and pushing for attention. But in the end, we got the coverage, and it was incredibly rewarding to see the hard work pay off.

What advice would you give to tech companies looking to invest in PR?

Invest the time and effort into PR. It’s essential to add your personal touch to make campaigns effective. Be ready to share your thoughts and take bold steps—your authenticity will make a huge difference. Don’t wait. The longer you delay, the more difficult it becomes to stand out, especially in a crowded market.

Given the recent market challenges, do you think now is the right time for companies to ramp up their PR efforts?

Absolutely. The market is moving fast, and companies that don’t keep up risk being left behind. It’s more important than ever to be visible and stay ahead of the competition. The earlier you start, the better positioned you’ll be in the long run.

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