By Scott Samson

One core differentiator at SamsonPR is our focus on Tier 1 media, and our unique approach that allows our clients to generate this level of media coverage.
Step 1: Identify what is considered tier 1 media (which will vary for every company).
To be considered tier 1, media outlets should have strategic reach and/or be widely read to give your company both substantial validation and credibility while also reaching a big audience for you; including business and tech publications such as TechCrunch, Insider, Bloomberg, CNBC, WSJ, as appropriate.
It’s important to remember that trade publications are critical to the equation. In your industry, there may be 10-15 trade publications. While many of these we may classify as tier 2 or 3, there are typically 2-3 major trade publications in your industry that are highly read with a very specific audience that you’re selling to. It’s critical to be in these publications while also going “bigger.”
Step 2: Determine what each media publication covers and the appropriate writer(s) for each.
Out of the gate, it’s important to understand which writer at each publication covers your space. There may be a number of different writers that could be great to connect with, remembering that each writer has a very specific “beat” that they write on. For one writer, it may be covering one major tech company. For another, it may be a specific vertical or subject within a vertical.
One question we hear quite a bit is “how come a certain publication won’t cover this particular news?” Each publication and writer have things they cover, and things they don’t. This is not something you can change. However, you can tailor your approach based on what they actually cover and may be interested in.
Step 3: Build a relationship.
Seems easy enough as a concept, but one of the most overlooked steps.
With sales, cold calling can be challenging. The same goes for the media. If you don’t have a relationship, every time you want to approach a writer – it’s like starting from scratch. Building relationships with key writers is critical to the long term success of any PR program.
And over the course of a year or two, it’s a complete game changer for both your company and your personal brand.
Take the time to connect with a target list of 20 or so writers. Have a great conversation. Get them up to speed on your latest and greatest. Understand the writer’s needs and what they may be looking for. Keep in touch periodically. Be personable and accessible.
Step 4: Be a resource.
The best way to get tier 1 media coverage is to stop pitching random stories and company news to important writers – essentially asking and expecting them to do something for you. What have you done for them?
A relationship goes both ways. Instead of pushing your news out, check in and find out how you can be a resource for a writer and let them know what you can offer – i.e. exclusive data insights, intel on the broader industry and trends, etc.
You may be surprised that if you stop asking for something, and start offering to help, they will take you up on the offer!
This is how so many of our clients at SamsonPR see big media results.
These are four steps that can help land bigger and better coverage for your business, and the approach we take at SamsonPR. Building this foundation for a PR program, combined with building a disruptive story will be a formula for landing tier 1 media coverage!
(PS, stay tuned for an upcoming blog on how to best build a disruptive story…)
Here are some of our recent TV interviews and coverage for our clients, to inspire and show what is achievable if you take the right approach!